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2 check-ins for the month beginning 2019-07-01 by user florian

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Move each command-line option to their own paragraph, for consistency with the document structure in "Environment Variables and Global Options", as this seems easier to browse and search. The explicit line-break between the two options was wiped with automatic cleanup of trailing spaces by [e2751b18af]. ... (Closed-Leaf check-in: 14f2ba0436 user: florian tags: svg-and-md-formatting)
Trim spaces from the CSS background image SVG data URI for the copy icon, to make it look more compact -- this may not necessarily reduce the overall size of the final gzipped CSS resource delivered by the Fossil web server. The uncompressed source code for the icon is on the [branch/tooltip-copyhash] wiki page, with a comment why the variant with the "inaccurately" calculated outline looks better. ... (check-in: 0be9a2dbb7 user: florian tags: svg-and-md-formatting)
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